It's bad enough that the Department of Homeland Security's clumsy "security" over-reach alienates the average citizen the way it has, but it's all the worse when the rest of the world starts laughing at us.
Fundamental to any sound security policy is careful consideration of domestic and international response to the measures being applied. Those measures will never please everybody. But when security officials are so tone-deaf and defiant, they undermine the intended results of their policies. That's just what's happening today with the new Transportation Security Administration electronic strip search/"pat down" policies.
No government propaganda campaign to justify the policies will serve a useful purpose. DHS and TSA are now a laughingstock. Too many people just don't take the clumsy and intrusive security policies seriously any more. The last scene of this video, with the terrorist laughing at us, is right on the mark.
Perhaps it has something to do with the government's refusal to profile those most likely to be motivated to commit terrorism, and to make all citizens pay the price for the government's timid political correctness. There's good reason to mock the TSA's ham-handed policies. But in truth, this is no laughing matter at all. Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano is responsible for this mess. She has undermined public confidence. She should resign.