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June 08, 2009



Unfortunate, it sounds like an interesting program they have.


It really is upto the agencies themselves to train people, and also not recruit people who might compromise national security. It has more to do with psychology, and personality, and no academic program can really train for that. It is like the "ethics" programs in the top MBA programs, did not have much effect on the Wall Street carnage.


The mere consciousness of espionage-related activities and knowledge of the history of such activities can go a long way in promoting a passive, "concerned citizen" type counterintelligence (CI) environment in academic institutions (and elsewhere). Places of higher learning, like the Institute of World Politics, actually do teach students these subjects and give them the foundation, without formal CI training, to spot suspect activities that might in fact be espionage. I would disagree with "Regular Joe" in his comparison to Wall Street. Many of the unethical practices on Wall Street are in fact legal practices. Espionage is not just unethical; it is a crime and one punishable by life imprisonment or death. We will never be able to remove the motivation for committing espionage, thus we must have institutions like the one listed above that help in identifying and reporting such behavior. Based on the sheer volume of CI threats to this nation, we cannot rely on official domestic security apparatuses to carry the entire burden of CI. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."

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