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January 20, 2009



Apparently, you weren't the only one who made the error. And this listing appeared AFTER she spoke there. Surely the subject must have come up during the talk or in pre or post talk discussions.

From Springfield College, Feb 12, 2007:

"ACTIVIST LINDA PANETTA SPEAKS Linda Panetta, photojournalist, social activist, and daughter of former White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, spoke about her work in Central America and the Middle East in a presentation entitled "Social Justice and Contemporary Society" on Monday, Feb. 12, in Marsh Memorial Chapel. Read more."

Ian Geldard

Hi Mike,

Ian here in the UK (I think we met each other years ago).

I tweeted your article to my followers on twitter, but have also posted your timely correction. Keep up the good work.



Update: I just checked the Springfield College page that I was referring to and they've now removed the 'Leon Panetta's daughter' mention. However, I don't see anywhere on the revised page an admission or, Lord forbid, an apology. Good thing I did a screen capture soon after I saw it!

I'll post a link to the screen capture as soon as I can figure out how to do so.


As promised, here are the before and after screen captures...

Original version: Linda Panetta is listed as Leon Panetta's daughter. It appeared this way until Jan 19th or 20th, 2009:


Revised version: On Jan 21st, 2009, I first noticed the 'Leon's daughter' mention removed, with no acknowledgment and/or apology, at least as of this moment (1/21/09, 10:15AM ET):


As promised, here are the before and after screen captures...

Original version: Linda Panetta is listed as Leon Panetta's daughter. It appeared this way until Jan 19th or 20th, 2009:


Revised version: On Jan 21st, 2009, I first noticed the 'Leon's daughter' mention removed, with no acknowledgment and/or apology, at least as of this moment (1/21/09, 10:15AM ET):


Please feel free to delete either of my duplicate postings. They are identical to each other.

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